The Company

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Made in Missoula

Designed, patterned, Cut, and Stitched in Missoula, Montana USA. Developed on long road trips, un-ending approaches, and everywhere and anywhere we are or have been. We live what we do and we love what we do which leads to constant scheming on how to make our products better. Missoula is nestled in a glacial valley amid the Mission and Bitterroot mountain ranges making it an ideal hub for developing, testing, and exploring new ideas.


Built to be used

We view all of our products as tools, not as accessories. Whether its the bag that hauled the rope and rack countless times to your project, or that kept your snacks dry and ready for when you started to bonk near the summit. At Graphite we don’t design or craft our products based off of trends and colorways, everything we do is rooted in function. Meant to be abused, dirtied, thrown, dropped, slung, traveled, and etc. In short, built to be used.

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Minimizing our impact

3.8 billion pounds of textile waist are generated every year (pre and post consumer). Of that only 15% is recycled on average. We try to combat that anyway we can from the inception of our products. We keep our production and stock at the bare minimum, we do not cut raw martial until we need and then only what is necessary. All of our peripheral products are made from the off cuts and scraps from our core production to keep our waste down. Our products come tucked inside the shipping packaging in reusable travel bags built in house by us. This not only helps keep your gear clean in transit but also keeps our impact down. Instead of plastic hang tags we use the smallest most unusable textile scraps we have laying around to avoid adding any more raw material and associated carbon production to our overall footprint.